Strengthening the Focus on Digital Channels and Media
Project Name: Strengthening the focus on digital channels and media as a means to leverage the process of internationalization, notoriety and growth of VNI
Project code: 1116
Notice: 08/C16-i02/2022 - Internationalization via E-commerce
Objective: Raising awareness, providing training and consultancy to new exporting SMEs, with the aim of promoting their internationalization through digital channels.
Start Date: 19-01-2024
Completion date: 03-09-2024
Total eligible investment: €81,500.00
Financial support from the European Union: €40,750.00
Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results:
- Increased awareness and access to the online store and the IT Solutions and Works & Furniture business areas available therein;
- Growth in international business volume via digital media/e-commerce and diversification of operating markets and strengthening of presence in current markets.